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Natural / Neutral

All positions neutral, simple and repeatable.

Biomechanically sound
Biomechanically attuned swings with less burden on the body.

The right golf swing sequence that is repeatable.

Consistency / Repeatability
The ability to be consistent and to repeat the perfect swing every time.



The opportunities to practice like a tour professional. Not just hitting balls aimlessly, but “mindful practice” for real mprovements. We use the latest motion-capture systems to measure swing to get the most precise and accurate data. Our instructors use this information to work with the athlete to design a training program that is tailored to deliver performance.

Ability to hit all shapes


The ability to stay neutral to shape the ball in any way – low, high, draw, fade, hook, slice, etc.


AnK Golf teaches a biomechanically sound golf swing which is easy on the body and repeatable.  We study the individual’s swing habits/rhythm to find the best way to integrate technology and solutions to create a high-performing neutral swing.  We help the athlete tap into his/her strength to reach peak performance.  


AnK Golf promotes overall fitness as part of high-performance development. We believe that personal fitness is essential to perfecting the swing.

Our team will assess every individual’s fitness level and design a program that can improve overall fitness.  We employ a balanced fitness plan incorporating core stability, strength, flexibility, dexterity, diet and nutrition tailored to the individual athlete’s fitness needs.  



AnK’s integrated high-performance program includes mental strength and mental agility training.  Getting the athlete in the right frame of mind during a game is crucial to peak performance. 

Mental training involves understanding the difference between left and right brain hemispheres.  Both control different forms of thinking.  The left brain is more analytical, logical and objective.  The right brain, on the other hand, is intuitive, thoughtful and subjective.  

When an athlete is in class learning the theory behind a golf swing, he/she is utilising the left brain.  When they are out on the course, activating the right brain can dramatically increase performance.  That’s because the right brain can process 275,000 times faster than the left brain.  The left brain processes 40 items at once compared to 1.1m items processed by the right brain.  

AnK’s unique mental training utilises both left and right brain functioning to optimise concentration, focus, environmental awareness and decision making.  The ability to apply these skills to pre-shot routines enables a golfer to get ‘in the zone’ as efficiently as possible.  

Our techniques are supported by the golf industry’s most advanced neurological technology – FocusBand.  FocusBand is a wearable headgear that measures left/right brain activity, heart rate, eye movement, facial muscle movement/tension, concentration, and thoughts to predict the mental state a golfer is in.  This data can be used to design specific solutions to help the athlete build mental prowess.

‘Mushin’ is a Japanese word to describe a state of ‘mind-with-no-mind.’  It is about getting the mind to a state where it is not crowded with thoughts or emotions that can negatively affect the athlete’s performance.  In this ‘no mind’ state, the athlete is focusing 100% on the game.


‘Mushin’ or the ‘blue zone’ is attained when the right brain is activated.  In the red zone, the athlete is likely to be too anxious or too relaxed.  He/she is not at optimal performance and will make more mistakes.  In the ‘blue state’ however, the athlete is relaxed but focused.  

Right Brain Power


Assessing the shot

Left Brain

Not able to concentrate using the left brain


Ideal State

to execute

Focused with no "inner chatter"

A state where a golfer is fully engaged to the shot, using the right brain

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