Jack, an Australian junior athlete joins AnK during his break for an intensive 2 weeks before return
Whilst Jack is Australian, he has been living in Thailand for the past two and a half years with his parents’ job being based there. He came to Australia to train an intense 2 weeks at AnK golf before going to his hometown of Adelaide.
Jack has expressed his desire to return to AnK soon and showed this by working really hard and getting the most out of his time here. His well formed swing and physical height represented a very decent first glance performance-wise. However, mentally-speaking he appeared to not be or experienced/trained yet in his younger age and was deemed necessary to improve alot more in this area.
Through training undertaken here, new ways to learn and train has been undertaken, hopefully Jack is able to continue the valuable training and teachings he has learnt here and can practice them.
It was a pleasure to have Jack train at AnK for the two week period. We hope to see you again very soon buddy, have a safe trip and good luck!