Junior and Senior Mix Saturday Training

The ANK GOLF Academy trains on Saturday with the focus being on short game, putting and range practice and finishes the day with an eight-hole rounding in the afternoon.
Today we mixed the seniors and the juniors for the afternoon rounding so the juniors can idolise the senior's game and skills to motivate them to become better players.
Coaches are always helping junior players act positively and confidently by showing them how they prepare before the round and how they play golf during the round, reminding them of the opportunity to rethink about their golf.
With a light team match, both junior and senior are reminding each other of their desire to win, revealing the results of the game after a round and checking their growth every week with the coaches.
Saturday is a fun day with both juniors and seniors training together so that they can share their own know-how and help each other develop.
More detailed training information and updates for athletes can be found on @official.ankolf Instagram.
