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AnK Blog


Minwoo Lee with ANK

Minwoo Lee dropped into ANK Sanctuary Cove to say Hello to our students and give them some insightful tips.

Minwoo went around each students giving them a lesson and tips. Thank you for spending time for each student and giving back to the juniors and amateurs. They were very star stuck and was excited to have a conversation and watch Minwoo practice.

Key factors that Minwoo said were

"Practice is key and you guys needs to put more work to get to highest level"

"Keep practice on shot shaping and play around the pin"

"Less block practice but more going to pins at the range"

" Preshot routine is very important, try create one and stick to it, keep it simple"

"Professional golf is very hard so practice and self-belief in the hard work is key"

Thank you Minwoo Lee for spending time with ANK and good luck in your career.


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